Bible Truth Assembly, St. Paul

This Plymouth Brethren group was formed in 1884 as an anti-denominational gathering of like-minded English-speaking Christians that accepted only "the spiritual essence of Christianity as constituting a church" (WPA Report). Their original name was The Bible Truth Hall. They eschewed organization, individual leadership, formal theologies, and denominational ties. The group met in several locations, usually rooms in office buildings or storefronts, starting in a schoolhouse at 297 Nelson Avenue in 1884, and later moving to the following: 313 Robert Street, East 10th near St. Peter, 5th and Main, Lowry Building, 179 North Victoria, and in 1936 the private home of Mr. J. A. Canner at 1043 Dayton Avenue.  In 1936, the meeting attracted about 25 participants.


  •  Works Progress Administration. Works Progress Administration Field Reports.Robert Schaller. December 5, 1936.   
Category: Church     Neighborhood: Downtown St. Paul